Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rant on Neighbors

Well, I have decided to give you guys some info on some people that live on my street. I absolutely DESPISE these people. Here's why:

1. The middle kid and his friend want to pet my cat, but he doesn't like him. They SHOVE him down, then pet him.

2. At 5 in the morning, their mom was drunk, went to our house yelling at us, "YOU B****'*! GET OUT OF MY F***** HOUSE! But it was our house. Then she said we took her remote.

3. They moved into my friends old house, which made me mad. I haven't seen him since. :'(

4. When I had my dog Molly, I went on a walk with my friend Stacy and her dog Lucy. The youngest drove up in his mini car, asking if he could come. He doesn't even know Stacy, but since she's nice she said yes. His mini car was driving my dog crazy, so I asked him to take it home. He's all "But I like annoying your dog!" Molly got sick of it, so she tried to nip him. She didn't even make a hole in his shirt. He runs home crying, then they call the police on us. Then they took Molly away, because their mom said he had a bite SIX INCHES DEEP in his back.

5. The youngest would walk into our house whenever he wanted, even if we weren't there.

6. Once again, the youngest would drive his miny car in our driveway every day and say "You're jealous of my car. You want to ride in it but I wont let you!"

7. The oldest would never leave me alone at first. He used to like me, but I didn't like him because he did bad things.

8. About my last post, chances are these are the ones who caught my cat and called the police. Luckily, he has been chipped so we got him back.

Those are just a few of the reasons I hate these people. I hope you understand.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm so sad!!!!!! Someone on my street got the idea to capture every cat they see outside and turn them in to the police. Let's make this simple. THEY TOOK MY KITTEN!!!!!! Right now, at nighttime, all I can think of is my poor little Thunder, cold and sad in a wire cage at the vet. We couldn't get him by the time we found out, so I have to wait until tomorrow. Oh my poor kitty!!!!! I miss him so much!!!!!!!!! :'( :'(

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Uncles Christmas Video

Okay, I know it's not Christmas, but I really wanted you guys to see this video my uncle made! What's kinda funny is that they live in California. And Amber, it is NOT a pop-out. Here's the link, since it wouldn't upload:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Family Members

Yes, families. Aren't they wonderful? I decided to let you know a little more about my family. I'll kinda give you a short fill-in of what they are like, so you can picture them a little better.

Mom: My mom has a little beyond shoulder length hair that is blonde and has green eyes. She has a strange sense of humor, and is sometimes easily stressed.

Dad: My dad is very tall! He has simple cut brown hair and blue eyes and has a slight beard. He is very funny and creative. He is good at art and fun to be around!

Step-dad: My step-dad, Dennis, has hair that almost reached his shoulder that is mostly brown but has some blonde. He has green/blue eyes I think. He makes art out of copper, which is cool and is really smart. But he can snap pretty easy.

Step-mom: My step-mom Michelle has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a SUPER good cook and is willing to get things done. She seems a bit snappy, but I know she's just making sure we are raised well.

Vas (Vassily): This is my brother. Well, he isn't really my brother, but we took him in since he was kicked out for bad grades by his mother. He is tanish with dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. He's sorta gangster, and easily annoys me. He is about 20 now, and doesn't live with us anymore.

Ben (Benjamin): This is my other brother. He was actually adopted, because my parents thought they couldn't have kids. He has long, really curly brown hair they aren't tight curls, but curly enough to be an afro. He has blue eyes and is very hairy. He is very Neat Freakish and sarcastic. He is 18.

Hannah: This is my older sister. She is tall with long, curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She is really funny, but can be very violent. She sometimes threatens me if I don't get her what she wants...... She is 16.

Nathan: Onto the younger siblings. Nathan has really short, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He's like some kind of ninja, and absolutely enjoys hurting and tackling me. He is 10.

Elijah: Elijah is my step-brother. He's about the same height as Nathan, but kinda tan with brown hair and brown eyes. He loves Pokemon, and the Warriors series. I love hanging out with him! He is 10.

Dallin: Dallin is my other step-brother. He's super short and is also tan, and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He also loves Pokemon, and is a huge spazzo. He is 9.

Logan: Logan is my half-brother. He lives at my dads. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Sadly, he is autistic and he can't really talk that well. But he is very smart and can spell almost anything if he has seen the word before. He is 5.

Tiffanie: Tiffanie is my step-sister. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She is very sweet and cute, and loves to play. I seem to be her favorite sibling when she gets to come here. She is 3.


Okay guys. I'm back from my dad's, but I had a HORRIBLE nightmare last night. I wanted to share it with you.

For some reason, I don't know why, I was wondering around at my local park in the middle of the night. For another reason I don't know, I wandered into this dude's house. Then the next morning he kept me in there. He kept on touching my sides, and I was VERY uncomfortable. Then the next day he says;"Will you be my girlfriend?" Of course I say "No way Mister! You're scary!" I went home and told my sister, but she's said "You should be his girlfriend." I'm all "What's wrong with you!? I'm not even 16!"

Then suddenly I appear on the edge of a dirt highway. No one is driving. I see my dad, step-mom and my real siblings crying on the ledge."What happened?" I walked forward and saw that on a hill about six feet away, both of my dogs were laying dead. I started crying too, then all the sudden they both get up and try to get to us. There is a fence there, and I didn't want them to die trying to get to us. So we all climbed off the road and began running to them. Then Just as we get there, there pupils and iris' turn into slits and they both fall down dead again.

I spent the rest of my dream being seriously annoyed by the one guy trying to cheer me up.

It may not sound that bad, but this nightmare made me cry! I really hope nothing like it ever happens.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Favorite Movies

Despicable Me
Mega Mind
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Monsters Inc.

Favorite Songs

Just haven't met you yet
Summer wind
Save the last dance for me
Feeling Good
Artist~ Michael Bubl'e

Jar of hearts
Artist~ Kristina Perry

Price Tag
Artist~ Jessie J.

Almost every Beatles song in existence
(Black Bird is my favorite of all)
Artist~ The Beatles

Artist~ Tenacious D

With Arms Wide Open
Artist~ Creed

Artist~ Casacda

Artist~ Neon Trees

Quote of the week

The quote of the week is:

Classic- A book that people praise and don't read.
~Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)


These are things I can't stand.

1. Blogwalkers
2. Bullies
3. Jerks
4. Swearing
5. Rude Gestures
6. Telling somebody bad news
7. Being mean
8. Annoying people
9. Drunks
10. Crazy Parties
11. Rap
12. Sleeping on a floor
13. Crying in public
14. The fact that my face is either pink or red all the time
15. How I am so shy
16. Smokers
17. Diseases
18. Pollution
19. People who insult any religion
20. Tattoos.

Top 20 hates.


This is a list of things I just love!

1. Animals
2. DS Games
4. Reading
5. Playing outside when it's warm
6. Art
7. Music
8. My language arts teacher! She's so fun!
9. Caleb ♥
10. Hanging with buddies
11. Blogging
12. Nature
13. Walking home from school
14. Those perfect Saturdays when you're done cleaning, and you're just laying out in the sun or drawing on the drive way with chalk.
15. Slumber parties!
16. Any kind of treat
17. Banana Phone
18. Blogger Friends
19. Singing

Those are the top Twenty.

All My pets

These are all the pets I've had or still have.

Buddy. Male Boxer. Given away when we moved.

Sheba. Female Siamese. Had to be put to sleep of old age.

Molly. Female Labrador. Was taken by the police because she "bit" my neighbors.

Bruce Jr. Male Goldfish. Died two days after we got him.

Hammy. Female Teddy Bear Hamster. Died from old age.

Stinker (Or Silvester). Male American short-hair. We still own him.

Bear Moreley. Female Tortoise-shell she-cat. (Much fatter than this picture). We still own her.

Thunder (I call him Oh da la kitteh). Young, ginger tabby male. We still own him.

Lalovee. Male Great Dane. We still own him.

Marley. Male Beagle. We still own him at my dad's house.

Monsieur Prickles. Male Hedgehog. I WISH I HAD IT!